Service-Kategorie: Hilfsdienste
We have a WhatsApp group specifically for creative services offered by the creative people of Barcelona and the ones looking for help with their projects.
You can join the group using this link:
Creative services
We will also keep a list of the creatives in the group here. We have photographers, illustrators, content creators, web designers, gallery owners, artists, musicians, and a lot of other services on offer. You can contact all of them in the group, or contact us to connect you.
- Amy Piumarta (Mamas in Biz) – Network for mothers in business
- Daniela Adamez (Flipa) – Crystals, tarot, and related things
- Fabi Charrua (Kin-Qi Project) – Tantra, massage, sexology, Shibari, and more
- Meghan Signora – Content creation in English and Spanish, SEO, event organisation
- Quintina Valero – Photographer based in Barcelona, Madrid and London
- Simon Boulind (OnTempo DJ Academy) – DJ & teacher
- Thomas Luiz Awazu Pereira da Silva (Gallery C6) – Gallery owner
- Tom Schulze (Tomsites) – Website creation & web design courses, SEO, web update services, writer, product manager
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